About us Latest Blogs Becca and Heidi's 5 Day Sahara Desert Trek Rebecca Law aka Becca, and Heidi Fielder, both worked on the neonatal unit at Darent Valley Hospital (DVH) and are fundraising to buy High Flow Therapy units for the Walnut Ward at DVH. These machines are very sort after on the neonatal unit for Term babies that may require this form of support for the first few days of their life or for the more preterm babies, this method is often used as a step down following more invasive therapy and may be required for days or even weeks as they grow bigger and stronger. To raise money to buy the much-needed equipment for the unit Becca and Heidi are going to travel to Africa where they will undertake a challenging 5 day trek across the Sahara Desert! Despite the trek dates being moved twice already due to Covid-19, it is now set to take place in November 2021. Fingers crossed! Becca and Heidi work with extremely vulnerable babies some of which are at their weakest point, it is a hard and demanding job which requires incredible strength and willingness to push on when the days are tough also challenging, unforgiving and life-changing so this trek seemed the best way to show their support for the families in the care at DVH. Becca and Heidi want to be able to help nurse babies and their families with love and care and their aim is to raise £4000 to provide new life saving equipment to the unit. So far Becca and Heidi have raised a fantastic £1,114 and have been busy training for their trek!