Get involved Community groups Photographed: Dartford Gurdwara - Guru Hargobind Sahib gave a donation during Vaisakhi, the Sikh Festival in 2018. Valley Hospital Charity works with many local clubs and groups who actively fundraise and donate generously to the Hospital Charity. We can provide community groups with fundraising ideas, advice and materials, as well as someone to come and speak about the Charity to your club or group. You are also given the chance to visit our Hospitals to meet staff and see where your money goes. Photographed Michael Hughes and Dan Pleass from Dartford Round Table present cheque to Pine Therapy Unit staff. Top fundraising ideas for community groups include: Sponsored events: walk, cycle, run, swim, canoe Quiz night Race night Carol concert Golf day Community collections If you are a club, religious group, sports team, or another community group, and would like to fundraise for us, please get in touch. Tell us about your fundraising If you have any questions, please contact Sally or call 01322 428256.