About us Latest Blogs Tribute to Grahame Green - He did it his way! Tribute to Grahame Green 1961 - 2021 When Grahame first contacted Valley Hospital Charity to say he was interested in signing up to our Ride4Life from Darent Valley Hospital to Amsterdam set for June 2019, he explained how he and his dearly departed Dad had been well cared for by the Hospital. One year on from a major operation, Grahame was determined to give something back, although still not in the best health, he was resolute that he was going to cycle the 344 miles on his Dad's 70 year old bike! Grahame documented his incredible journey in a blog https://www.shot-photography.com/grahame-s-ride4life-blog/ Photographed: Grahame raising his Dad's bike at the finish in Amsterdam! He signed up with his friend Colin Ashcroft affectionately know as 'Speed', a club cyclist and although they didn't train together as Grahame was really still in recovery, Colin supported Grahame as much as he could to get him to the start line. Photograph: A soggy photo of Grahame Green and 'Speed' aka Colin Ashcroft at Dover. Grahame's efforts were Herculean! After the whole team got drenched most days in their wickable cycling attire, Grahame donned his trademark jeans, black boots and bandana. 'Speed' had convinced him to have a few adjustments to his Dad's bike and it had a stunning new paint job for the occasion, but it was still missing a good few advancements from the bikes the rest of the team benefited from. Photographed: An early puncture for Grahame in Cobham, Kent. No quick release! Grahame took it upon himself to start each day an hour before the rest of the team set off, determined not to hold them up. The mental strength of those long sections on his own, he was supported by our fantastic guide Rikki and in particular one of his team mates Howard Woodcock. Photographed: Rikki from Discover Adventure riding with Grahame. Photographed: Team mate Howard Woodcock and Grahame. The Team got the chance to get to know Grahame during the ride and in the evenings when they got to socialise over a well deserved hot meal, usually of numerous courses. Photographed: Bit of R&R with team mates. Photographed: Grahame being presented with his medal and certificate by Sally George from Valley Hospital Charity at the presentation evening in hotel in Amsterdam. Grahame's fellow riders and all at Valley Hospital Charity are absolutely devastated to learn that Grahame became poorly again and sadly, two years' on from his epic cycle on his Dad's 70 year old bike, Grahame has sadly passed away. Speaking on behalf of all his Team mates we feel so privileged to have shared the adventure with Grahame and are completely in awe of Grahame's determination; he was a complete inspiration to us all. Sending our love and thoughts to his family. RIP Grahame - keep it rubber side down! xx Photographed: The Ride4Life - Darent Valley to Amsterdam Team 2019 outside the Ruks Museum. Grahame far right.