On Tuesday 18 July 2023 we celebrated the efforts of Link19 College, whose students, Kira, Phillip and Lucas, led by Anita have transformed our Valley Walk of Life, which features inscribed bricks from patients and visitors, in exchange for a donation to our Valley Hospital Charity.

The area was left in a very poor state following some much needed building works, but thanks to the hard work of Link19 we are delighted to show it off again and look forward to our first Valley Walk of Life Coffee morning since the pandemic, inviting supporters in to see their newly laid brick.

Not only did they work hard to transform the space, they also fundraised for the items they needed to carry this out.

Photograph: Photos of during and after Link19 students, led by Anita, came rain or shine to improve the area.

We are delighted to have commissioned one for Link19 that will be placed in the path soon to recognise their efforts. Future students from the College will continue to maintain this area. We are absolutely delighted to have this ongoing support.

Find out more about having an inscribed brick in our beautifully restored Valley Walk of Life 

 Photograph: A picture of the area after building work had been carried out once we could regain access.