Volunteering opportunities I may make a living by what I get, but I make a life by what I give . . . Why volunteer? Volunteering can be a good way of getting an idea of what it’s like to work in the health and social care sector. There are benefits for you as well as for the Trust and its patients. There are a number of volunteering positions at Dartford & Gravesham NHS Trust. Caring Companions act ascompanions to unaccompanied adults in A&E. Dementia Budddy Volunteers are specially trained, have a good understanding of Dementia and know how to engage positively with Dementia patients. Pets as Therapy Volunteers (need to be members of PAT) provide general company to patients on wards/departments who respond positively to pets. Patient Feedback Volunteers promote and support the collection of patient feedback via the Friends and Family Test. Clerical Volunteers help behind the scenes with filing, photocopying, packing envelopes and running errands. Fundraising Volunteers help the Fundraising Department with the organisation of events, distribution of draw tickets, mail-shots etc. in line with the business of Valley Hospital Charity. Valley Park Radio Volunteers either present or help behind the scenes to deliver live and pre-recorded radio shows to patients through the hospital radio station. Current volunteering roles at Queen Mary's Hospital include: Ward Visitors help make patients’ time in hospital more comfortable by chatting, listening, reading and running errands. If you would like to volunteer for Valley Hospital Charity then you will still need to go through the Trusts volunteer recruitment process. To start this process please visit : Volunteering :: Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust (dgt.nhs.uk)