Beating Cancer in your local area Donate Fundraise Patients with a Cancer diagnosis are now living 40% longer than 10 years ago, and we want to give our community the best chance to beat Cancer, by accessing the best available treatments at their local hospital. With your support, items of equipment have been purchased through our charitable funds to enable us to become one of only a few Hospital Trusts in the country, able to diagnose and treat different forms of Cancer with the very latest technologies. The Cancer Fighting Fund supports our Pine Therapy Unit at Darent Valley Hospital. Charitable funds have been used to try and make the the Unit as comfortable as possible, and like a home from home for the patients and their families, who often spend long hours receiving their chemotherapy treatments. Rosewood Ward also benefits from donations to the Cancer Fighting Fund. They have recently received an Accuvein Finder, to help locate veins for more comfortable insertion of cannulas, and a number of Readybeds to allow loved ones to stay around the clock, thanks to a generous donation from Francine Payne and her family. “With the introduction of Blue Light Cystoscopy we are now able to detect even small tumours in the bladder which could have been missed before. With the addition of this equipment I feel our Hospital Trust will become a centre of excellence for Bladder Cancer management. Another advance is the introduction of cryosurgery where we are now able to freeze and kill tumours of the prostate and kidney. We are all so grateful to our donors who have enabled this development to happen.” - Professor Sanjeev Madaan, Consultant Urological Surgeon & Lead Cancer Clinician Having the very best up-to-date equipment attracts the very best doctors, nurses and consultants to want to work for your Hospital, as they can learn and improve their own skills and expertise for the benefit of our community. “We now have two EBUS scopes (Endro Bronchial Ultra Sound) at a cost of £61,000. Previously we were limited to the number of procedures we could do each week but charitable donations have enabled us to introduce a second scope enabling many more patients to benefit. The procedure is minimally-invasive and all done in less than half an hour.” - Respiratory Physician, Dr Burhan Khan The purchase of a Special Breast Ultrasound machine on Empress Unit helped establish their ‘One Stop Breast Clinic’ benefiting even more patients. “This is wonderful news for people who often suffer sleepless nights worrying about their results. Dealing with the possibility of Breast Cancer can be emotionally overwhelming, knowing one way or another, sooner, takes away the uncertainty which can make such a difference to patient care.” Consultant Breast Surgeon, Ms Seema Seetharam MBBS, FRCS (Glasg), We are continually grateful for your support enable us to keep up with the latest medical advances, and to enhance the experience of those patients currently undergoing Cancer treatments. With your generous donations we can do so much more than on the NHS budget alone. Help us to beat cancer by: making a donation or setting up a regular gift taking part in Stride4Life holding your own fundraising event Your contribution - large or small - is very welcome!