Write your text message

  • Select the code from the list below
  • Enter the amount you would like to donate (e.g. £10)

Send your message 

  • Telephone number 70070

JustTextGiving by Vodafone is free, and we receive 100% of every donation

Code Fund
Valley Hospital Charity - enhancing patient care
DVHC28 Cancer Fighting Fund- helping people with cancer
DVHH28 Heartbeat - raising funds for our heart patients 
DVHB28 Little Buds - helping our special care babies 
DVHL28 Lollipop - raising funds for sick children
DVHS16 Silver Birch - supporting older adult health care
SFLW28 Stride for Life - our annual fundraising event including a sponsored walk

EXAMPLE - To donate £10 to the Cancer Fighting Fund:

Text: DVHC28 £10 Send to: 70070